Why is Christianity kept out of schools?

Teachers are allowed to teach about any religion but Christianity.  Any religious book but The Bible is welcomed in every classroom.  Many wonder:  Why is Christianity kept out of schools?

No one in public education interferes if other religions are studied.  Teachers are encouraged to teach about religions of Muslims, Hindus, Buddhists, and dozens of others.

Teachers who read from The Bible, or share knowledge of Christianity, find that their jobs are in jeopardy.

Few notice how pervasive the double standard is.  The bias against Christianity grows stronger in every public school.

Why is Christianity kept out of schools?   Christianity offers freedom.  In Babylon, God is government manifested in control, regulation, and taxation.

No Babylonian wants people to realize that God made the world, and that He lovingly put each person in it to be able to freely choose to believe, obey, and be saved.

Babylon wants no belief in anything higher than the state.  When someone wonders:  Why is Christianity kept out of schools? the answer is simple:  Governments want no competing views of reality that lessen the importance of those in charge.  Their swollen vanities hate any higher power.  They rarely deify themselves, but they do work to keep God from being worshiped.

After the trap door opens, they find that the religion they hated the most is the rightest.  As they stand before the Throne, and see Jesus at the right hand of The Father, and Mary seated to His right, they realize that what they have done in life determines where they are headed.  “Too late!”, they moan as sentence is pronounced.

Interestingly, we find that Babylon’s hatred reflects reality in reverse.  Babylon hates The Roman Catholic Church the most.  That leads some to see that it is the truest Church.  After Catholics, Babylon hates the more traditional Protestants, like Baptists.

Babylon likes the weak, fragmented denominations, as long as they don’t dilute Conventional Reality with any of the bothersome “faith issue”.  Babylon actually likes Unitarians.  Babylonians do not like Christians who accept “The Loving Programmer wrote and downloaded The Creation Program.  He lovingly wrote and downloaded us human programs with free will so each of us could freely choose to obey, or not.”

Why is Christianity kept out of schools?  Babylon hates love as much as it hates truth.

