Why should we share the idea of: “God, The Dot-Maker”?

Thinking about “dots” leads Catholics to Communion’s “Holy Dots”!

Thinking about “dots” leads Catholics to Communion’s “Holy Dots”!


Question 1: “Why is it important to share the idea of: ‘God, The Dot-Maker’?”

Answer:  “The world is filled with people who want to keep our souls from understanding how important God is!  When we explain:  ‘Everything is made out of ‘dots’ and God made them all.’, no one can argue with that.


Question 2:  “What kind of ‘dots’ did God make?”

Answer:  “He spoke the sun into being to send streams of tiny photon-dots.  They let us see the atoms and molecules that are the ‘dots’ that make the cells we are made of.  Lots and lots of ‘dots’!”


Question 3:  “Did God Write and Download His Creation Program to put the ‘dots’ into order?”

Answer:   “Every ‘dot’ lets us see God’s Order.”


Question 4:  “Why did God go through all the trouble of making an expanding universe that stretches 15 trillion light-years in every direction?”

Answer: “He did that to give us Free Will.  Every person may choose to honor, respect, and obey God and get the ‘dot’ that is our soul into God’s Heaven.'”


Question 5:  “Is our soul important to God?”

Answer:  “Our soul is the ‘immortal dot’ that is God’s love for us.'”


Question 6:  “How do we know God loves our soul?”

Answer: “The Second Person of The Holy Trinity took human form to fulfill the Predictions of God’s Prophets.  He sacrificed His life in agony by letting Himself be crucified to give those who were blessed to love God these ‘keys’:

‘And I say unto you thou art Peter and on this rock I build My Church and the gates of hell shall not prevail against it.  I give you the keys to The Kingdom of Heaven.’

Each of those ‘words’ is a ‘dot’ created by God for us.  We are His ‘beloved dots’ in His vast Creation Program.”


Question 6:  “When Catholics receive Communion, do we take living ‘dots’ of God into our soul, mind, and body?”

Answer:  “The Seven Catholic Sacraments are there to let those who love God and their neighbors embrace the obedience that lets us have His Life within us.”



