Why They Won’t Stop Stealing

We human programs have countless microscopic programs that live in and on us. Innumerable bacteria and virus programs are living, multiplying, and dying within us every day. Most of the time, our human programs are in balance with them.

Other beings within us are parasites, including roundworms, flat worms, and tapeworms.

These parasites weaken our minds and bodies. They take our energy and shorten our lives. That is what they are programmed to do. It is their unchanging nature.

Any body politic has all sorts of people and organizations within it. Some help the body. Others are dead weight. The worst actively try to destroy the body.

The difference between society’s parasites and tapeworms? People who prey on their neighbors have chosen to become parasites. They have freely decided to love themselves more than their neighbors, a love that can be quantified by the fact that they have manipulated the political system to provide themselves a lifetime income that’s twice that with which they leave their neighbors.

They have willfully concluded that “it’s all right” to spend their lives impoverishing the people around them. As they go on stealing, they embrace fraudulent reasons to justify the hurt they inflict. Those reasons, like global warming/freezing, ozone holes, etc, become idols that they end up worshipping.

As the process continues, salvation becomes increasingly unlikely before becoming impossible.
