“How will I get to Heaven?”


“How will I get to Heaven?” has one right answer.  “It’s up to God.”  Catholics see simple steps:

1.  He Who Fulfilled the Prophecies said one time, to one man, “Verily, verily I say unto you thou art Peter and on this rock I build My Church and the gates of hell shall not prevail against it.  I give you the keys to The Kingdom of Heaven.”

2.  God was powerful to throw the devil and disobedient angels out of Heaven.  They can’t get back in.

3.  Catholics conclude:  “Jesus gave Peter and his successors the keys to Heaven!  Unless The Church opens the narrow gate, I can’t get in!  I can’t get in!


History calls us to consider the 45,000 Marketing Plan Denominations that call themselves “Christian”.   We find an appalling fact!  Nearly all the denominations that were invented by an ambitious Protestant man with a Marketing Plan often ignored the Commandment:  “Thou shalt not kill.”

For 250 years, Imperialistic Protestants did nothing substantive to stop the near-extermination of millions of Stone-Age American Indians by greedy land-grabbers.  Today, most Marketing Plan Denominations similarly ignore the slaughter of unborn babies.  They allow the micro-murder of tiny babies no bigger than the . at the end of this sentence.  Many do not even protest the aborting of babies big enough to be born.

Now, as they ask “Will I get to Heaven?” intelligent people wonder, “Is it possible to be saved if I support

How often should we ask that incredibly intelligent question?   Until we come up with the right answer to “How will I get to Heaven?”

