Will our “Book of Life” be forever in God’s Library?

Our ‘Book of Life’ is in God’s Library. Or, it is burned.

1. “What happens when we pray?”

2. “We send ‘Holy Prayer Photons’ to God, asking Him to help us or someone else.”


Question 2: “Where do our ‘Holy Prayer Photons’ go?”

Answer: “First, they go to Heaven.”


Question 3: “Where do our ‘Holy Photons’ go in Heaven?”

Answer: “They are written down in the praying person’s ‘Book of Life’.”


Question 4: “Why is that important?”

Answer: “When a soul goes to Judgment, that person’s ‘Book of Life’ is opened. ‘Holy Prayer Photons’ sent to Heaven on their behalf are written in each person’s ‘Book of Life’. God reads from each person’s ‘Book of Life’ when He passes Judgment on every soul.”


Question 5: “Are our ‘Holy Prayer Photons’ written anywhere else?”

Answer: “They are written in our ‘Book of Life’ and in other people’s ‘Books of Life’.”


Question 6: “Can our prayer requests be written in ‘CAPITOL LETTERS’ or ‘italicized’ so they stand out in God’s billions of ‘Books of Life’?

Answer: “The intercession of God’s Saints make our ‘Holy Prayer Photons’ more visible in every ‘Book of Life’ in which they appear!”


Question 7: “How big is a ‘Book of Life’?”

Answer: “A Holy Saint has spent much of his or her life praying! A Saint’s ‘Book of Life’ may have many volumes!”


Question 8: “Can a Saint’s prayers for us be written in our ‘Book of Life’?”

Answer: “Yes.”


Question 9: “Do we write in our ‘Book of Life’ every time we say anything about another person?”

Answer. “Yes.”


Question 10: “How do we make the words we write in our ‘Book of Life’ be pleasing to God?”

Answer: “Good Christians try to make every word we speak reflect our obedience to This Word of God: ‘Love God and love your neighbor as yourself.’


Question 11: “What Word of God do Catholics obey?”

Answer: “Catholics obey This Word of God: ‘And I say unto you thou art Peter and on this rock I build My Church and the gates of hell shall not prevail against it. I give you the keys to The Kingdom of Heaven.’


Question 12: “What does our ‘Book of Life’ look like if we have willfully written reasons to disobey Any Word of God?”

Answer: “Those ‘Books of Life’ may fuel the flames with which the willfully disobedient soul is forever reminded of rejecting Any Word of God.”

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