Will our One Soul spend eternity in Joyful Obedience?

.                                           Vanity leads to the Willful Disobedience that keeps many souls out of Heaven.


Question 1:  “This is odd!  Why is ‘Question 1′ about the number ‘one’?”

Answer:  “Our most important concern is about our ‘one’ immortal soul.”


Question 2:  “Why is that the most important thing in any life?”

Answer:  “Our soul is our eternal spark of life.  It will live forever.”


Question 3:  “Where will it live forever?”

Answer:  “It will live where we send it.”


Question 4:  “Where can we send our soul?”

Answer:  “We can send our one soul to one of two places.”


Question 5:  “What are those two places?”

Answer:  “Our one soul will spend eternity in Heaven or in hell.”


Question 6:  “Who decides where my soul will spend eternity?”

Answer:  “John 14:6 tells us!  ‘I am the way and the truth and the life, says the Lord;  no one comes to The Father except through Me.’


Question 7:  “If we willfully refuse to follow His ‘way’, His ‘truth’ and His ‘life’, can our soul go to Heaven ‘through’ Jesus?”

Answer:  “No. ”


Question 8:  “Does Jesus tell us that if we willfully disobey Him, we can’t get our soul into Heaven?”

Answer:  “Jesus was very clear about that!  ‘You are My friends if you obey My commands.’


Question 9:  “If we willfully disobey Any Teaching of Jesus, are we among His obedient ‘friends’?”

Answer:  “Willful disobedience to Any Teaching of Jesus puts us, and our soul, among His willfully disobedient enemies.”


Question 10:  “Why would anyone disobey Teachings of Jesus?”

Answer:  “They refuse to Think Clearly about Who Jesus IS.”


Question 11:  “Who Is Jesus?”

Answer:  “He Who Fulfilled The Prophecies is The Second Person of The Holy Trinity.  He IS God.”


Question 12:  “Did This Teaching come to us directly FROM God?  ‘And I say unto you, thou art Peter and on this rock I build My Church and the gates of hell shall not prevail against it.  I give you the keys to The Kingdom of Heaven.’

Answer:  “Yes.  Those who Think Clearly about Who Jesus IS are in The Only Church HE Spoke Into Being with His Holy Word.”


Question 13:  “What about the soul of someone who willfully rejects His ‘way’, His ‘truth’ and His ‘life’?”

Answer:  “They let their souls be stained or deformed by sin.  They cannot get into Heaven.”

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