Will the Synod address the real reason it was called?

Recent columns have addressed The Church’s lack of clear, public obedience to Mary’s clear, public  request.  She wanted the Holy Father and the Bishops to consecrate Russia to Her Immaculate Heart and to reveal the 3rd Secret of Fatima.

It has been suggested here, and other places, that The Church’s lack of clear, public obedience to Mary is hurting The Church.  Today, the following news release appeared:

AFP – Pope Benedict XVI on Sunday opened a meeting of Roman Catholic Church leaders from around the world to debate how to counter rising secularism on the 50th anniversary of the momentous Second Vatican Council.

The synod of 262 archbishops, bishops and other senior clerics heard a call from the pope for a “new evangelism” for the Catholic Church, which is fast losing followers in Europe and feels increasingly discriminated against in many parts of the world.”

Will the Synod address the real reason it was called?  Those who attend the Synod will, in all likelihood, not allow The Church’s failure to obey Mary’s clear, public instructions to consecrate Russia to Her Immaculate Heart to be considered as a major, underlying reason The Church is shrinking.  Neither will they mention The Church’s willful failure to release the Third Secret of Fatima to the world as a contributing cause of collapse.

No attendee will mention the obvious:  If the leaders of The Church will not obey the Mother of God, some of Her assistance to The Church must be withheld.  Will the Synod address the real reason it was called?  Probably not.

As a result of its own disobedience, The Church is having a Synod that will, in all likelihood, avoid the root cause of the reason that it has been called.

Will Catholic Fundamentalism, which encourages people of our time to consider God as The Loving Programmer, be considered?  Will relating God’s power to the Age of Electron Control be utilized to show people how real it is that God could have written and downloaded The Creation Program much as Genesis described?

No.  This Synod will, in all likelihood, be run by the same sort of vain, self-righteous compromisers who brought us Vatican II and all the horrors that it unleashed upon The Church.
