Will elected officials who legislate without Constitutional authority spend eternity in hell?

All Catholics, and most Christians, believe that each human soul is headed for Judgment.   We are judged on how we loved God, our neighbors, and truth.

Many may say “I love my neighbors.” and tell raise taxes to “help” them, even as evidence mounts that no government program not mandated by The Constitution has worked.  They will be condemned, and not only for their endless failures.

Most elected officials claim to be Catholic, Protestant, or Jewish.  If so, they believe, and should obey, The Commandment “Thou shalt not bear false witness.”

All elected officials in the United States take an oath that includes a promise to “protect, defend, and support The Constitution of The United States of America”.

Most of them, after taking office, vote to tax, spend, and regulate their fellow Americans in an amazing number of unConstitutional ways.  What’s the right punishment for breaking an oath of office?

Millions of overtaxed citizens know the answer to:  Will elected officials who legislate without Constitutional authority spend eternity in hell?

The safe answer is “Yes.”  Is there any other suitable punishment for breaking an Oath of Office?

The particular jury before which the departed souls of America’s elected officials must stand is composed of the souls of the men who suffered and died in The Revolution and subsequent battles to defend The Constitution.  

Either Andrew Jackson or James Madison acts as the jury foreman.

When the souls of America’s elected officials stand before that jury of feedom-loving patriots, the last thing most of them hear is “Guilty!” 

Then,  the trap door opens.
