Willful Protestantism: “Our words are more important than God’s.”

The Word of God took human form on earth. Many were blessed to obey Words of God from The Word of God.


Question 1: “Has Willful Protestantism always kept people from Thinking Clearly about God’s ‘words’?”

Answer: “God Created countless things in His Creation Program. Then, He wrote and downloaded ‘The Human Brain Program’. That let Adam and Eve, His first Free-Will Programs, use words to describe parts of The Creation Program they could identify.

Genesis 2:19-20 tells us the first man began by ‘naming’ God’s Animal Programs. Words let Adam think about things God had Spoken into Being with His Words.”

As Human Programs learned more details about God’s Creation Program, they had to invent more words. His Free-Will Programs invented words that described the differences between ‘clams’ and ‘oysters’.”


Question 2: “What did letting people give ‘names’ to things lead people to do?”

Answer: “People became proud of themselves for inventing ‘names’ for things and movements God had Spoken into Being. ‘We are as wonderful as God for naming so many of the things He Spoke Into Being!’


Question 3: “What did God do?”

Answer: “Human self-importance become disobedience. He let ‘The First Willful Protestants’ live without His help in The Creation Program He had Written and Downloaded for them.”


Question 4: “What did most of His Free-Will Programs do after Adam and Eve were evicted from God’s Garden of Eden?”

Answer: “Dealing with The Creation Program kept them busy! They spent more effort praising themselves than thanking God for writing and downloading their Individual Program within the staggering complexity of His Creation Program.”


Question 5: “Were any of God’s ‘People Programs’ grateful to Him for letting them live in His Creation Program?”

Answer: “Most people were overwhelmed by love for the words they invented and put together. They only thought about themselves! People like Abel were grateful and obedient to God. Most of them were hated and killed by Willful Protestant extremists, like Cain.”


Question 6: “Did God try to help people understand that His Words were more important than theirs?”

Answer: “He sent Melchizedek, Abraham, Moses and The Prophets. They told people: ‘Focus on God’s Words!’ Willful Protestants hated to hear that!”


Question 7: “What did God do when people ignored His Prophets’ Words?”

Answer: “The Word of God took Human Form. He came to earth and left This Word that some are blessed to obey:

‘And I say unto you thou art Peter and on this rock I build My Church and the gates of hell shall not prevail against it. I give you the keys to The Kingdom of Heaven.’

Willful Protestants have not changed! They still love their words more than God’s.”


Question 8: “How much do Willful Protestants love their words?”

Answer: “Willful Protestants love their words more than getting their immortal soul the only ‘keys to The Kingdom of Heaven’ that The Living Word of God Spoke into Being for those who blessed to be in His One, Holy, Catholic, and Apostolic Church.”


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