Willful Protestantism: Thinking more but NOT thinking clearly. 1.

.             Jesus gave His Life so we could think clearly about having and getting “the keys to The Kingdom of Heaven”.


~Question 1:  “What do Willful Protestants not think clearly about?”

Answer:  “No Willful Protestant wants to think clearly about This Word of Jesus!  ‘And I tell you, you are Peter, and on this rock I will build My Church, and the gates of hell shall not prevail against it. I give you the keys of The Kingdom of Heaven, . . .’


Question 2:  “Why don’t Willful Protestants want to think clearly about that?”

Answer:  “The Only Church Spoken Into Being by That Word of Jesus has Teachings that many do not want to follow.”


Question 3:  “What Catholic Teachings do Willful Protestants not want to follow?”

Answer:  “Most Willful Protestants want to avoid This Catholic Teaching:  ‘Life must be protected from conception until natural death.’


Question 4:  “Many Protestants are pro-life.”

Answer:  “Those who think clearly know that life begins at conception.  Then, the unborn baby is smaller than a grain of salt.  We were once smaller than the . at the end of this sentence.   May all pro-life Protestants think clearly about how tiny they once were and about The Church Who protects that defenseless life.”


Question 5:  “What happens when people think clearly about that?”

Answer:  “They realize that only The Catholic Church has upheld That Teaching for 2,000 years.”


Question 6:  “What happens when people think clearly about that?”

Answer:  “Many realize they have participated in the deaths of unborn children with pills and implants by actions or donations.”


Question 7:  “What do Willful Protestants do when they think clearly about that?”

Answer:  “Many avoid thinking clearly about The Power that Jesus Christ gave His Catholic priests in John 20:23.  ‘Those whose sins you forgive on earth are forgiven in Heaven.'”


Question 8:  “Do people who think clearly about that become Catholic to Confess their sins, receive Absolution from a Catholic priest, and be ‘forgiven in Heaven’?”

Answer:  “Many Willful Protestants would rather not ‘be forgiven in Heaven’ than to think clearly about getting their soul The Specific Absolution promised by Jesus in John 20:23.”

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