Willful Protestants avoid Thinking Clearly about This. 17

Jesus said that only a 'fool[ would not 'act;' on His Words.. Catholics are blessed to Think Clearly and Respectfully about Who Jesus Is.


Question 1: “Why don’t some people live according to God’s Teachings?”

Answer: “Many people do not like anyone to tell them what to do. Catholics Think Clearly about God. We know that He ‘Spoke’ Creation Into Being. His Words took form in time and space.”


Question 2: “What did God do after that?”

Answer: “He made the first human beings with Free Will. He gave them One Rule to follow: ‘Do not eat the forbidden fruit.’


Question 3: “Did they obey His Rule?”

Answer: “Billions of people after Adam and Eve have all done one of two things! They either obeyed or disobeyed.”


Question 4: “Did God help people live so their immortal souls could be in the Joy of Heaven, forever?”

Answer: “Yes. God Fulfilled the Prophecies He had revealed to children of Abraham.”


Question 5: “How did He do that?

Answer: “God took Human Form in The Person of Jesus Christ. He came to to earth in accordance with written Prophecies from previous centuries.”


Question 6: “What did He do while He was on earth?”

Answer: “Jesus Christ Spoke One Church Into Being to give His obedient followers these ‘keys’! ‘And I tell you, you are Peter, and on this rock I will build My Church, and the gates of hell shall not prevail against it. I give you the keys of The Kingdom of Heaven.’


Question 7: “Why isn’t everyone who believes in Jesus in The Catholic Church He Spoke Into Being?”

Answer: “In every age, Profiteers of Protestantism convince people follow them instead of Jesus. ‘Don’t listen to That Word of Jesus! Give money to me.”


Question 8: “Why do people listen to The Profiteers of Protestantism?”

Answer: “They like being praised: ‘You are so good that Jesus has to let you into Heaven!’ Some Willful Protestants believe they can order Jesus to let them into Heaven.”


Question 9: “Who would believe something that ridiculous?”

Answer: “Those who do not Think Clearly and Respectfully about Who Jesus Is.”

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