Willful Protestants avoid Today’s Catholic Reading!

Willful Protestants avoid thinking clearly about Judgment.


Question 1: “What are Daily Catholic Readings?”

Answer: “The only Church Jesus Spoke Into Being with His Holy Word provides Daily Readings from the Old Testament, the Psalms, Jesus, and The New Testament. All four Holy Sources in Today’s Reading tell the world: ‘Think clearly about God’s Judgment!’


Question 2: “Which Old Testament Passage does The Church use in Today’s Reading?”

Answer: “1 Samuel 3:9 tells us it is important to say, ‘Speak Lord, for your servant is listening.’ God’s ‘servants’ want to hear God’s Word.”


Question 3: “After ‘hearing’, did Samuel spend his life obeying God’s Word?”

Answer: “Verses 3:19-20 tell us. ‘Samuel grew up and Yahweh was with him and let no word of His fall to the ground. All Israel from Dan to Beersheba came to know that Samuel was accredited as a Prophet from God.’


Question 4: “It is clear. We should hear and obey Words of God. What is the next step?”

Answer: “We must keep obeying God’s Words! Today’s Psalm Reading is from the 40th Psalm. The Catholic Church sums it up in one sentence! ‘Here am I Lord; I come to do Your will.’” (emphasis added for focus)


Question 5: “We see the need to ‘do’ God’s Will from Samuel to The Psalms. What Word of Jesus continues that?”

Answer: “John 10:27 gives Catholics This Word of Jesus: ‘My sheep hear my voice,’ says the Lord. ‘I know them, and they follow Me.’


Question 6: “That makes me think about my Judgment! Is Jesus telling us that He ‘knows His sheep’ by how they ‘follow’ words of His ‘voice’?”

Answer: “Yes. The rest of Today’s Reading, Mark 1:29-39, tells us that Jesus and His Disciples ‘taught, preached, and drove out demons.’ The demons had to obey Jesus. Many Willful Protestants do not.”


Question 7: “How do Catholics know they may be among His obedient ‘sheep’ at His Judgment?”

Answer: “We are blessed to ‘follow’ This Word from His ‘voice’! ‘And I say unto you thou art Peter and on this rock I build My Church and the gates of hell shall not prevail against it. I give you the keys to The Kingdom of Heaven.’

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Thinking clearly about Judgment gives us simple reasons to be Catholic. catholicfundamentalism.com
