Willful Protestants do NOT think clearly about what they are saying! 6.

.                           Catholics know!  At Judgment, Jesus reads every word we have written in our ‘Book of Life’.


Question 1:  “What is it that Willful Protestants say and do not think clearly about?”

Answer:  “Willful Protestants are proud of disobeying This Word of Jesus:  ‘And I tell you, you are Peter, and on this rock I will build My Church, and the gates of hell shall not prevail against it. I give you the keys of The Kingdom of Heaven; . . .’


Question 2:  “What are they saying when to us they refuse to think clearly about That Word of Jesus Christ?”

Answer:  “They are saying ‘I do not want to be in The Church led by Successors of the only person on earth Jesus specifically chose to  Speak That Word.’


Question 3:  “What are they saying to Jesus Christ?”

Answer:  “They are telling Him‘I do not respect You enough to be in The Only Church You Spoke Into Being with Your Holy Word!’


Question 4:  “Are Willful Protestants telling Jesus they would rather go to hell than get the ‘keys to The Kingdom of Heaven’ that He gave only to Peter, his Successors, and His Church’?”

Answer:  “All Willful Protestants say the same thing to Jesus!  ‘I would rather go to hell than be Catholic.’


Question 5:  “What happens to their souls at Judgment?”

Answer:  “We are blessed with our life on earth for one reason.  Each of us must choose to get, or to reject, Christ’s ‘keys to The Kingdom of Heaven’.  Everyone who reads The Bible knows enough to be Catholic.   Not One Word in The Bible justifies disobeying Any Word of Jesus.”


Question 6:  “We love our neighbors.  How can we help them keep their souls from hell?”

Answer:  “We can encourage them!  ‘Please, think clearly about That Word of Jesus and be Catholic.  There is no other way to get His ‘keys to The Kingdom of Heaven’.   They include The Seven Catholic Sacraments, the Intercession of His Blessed Saints and Angels, and guidance by Catholic Teaching.’

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