Willful Protestants hate This Word of Jesus!

. Many of us used to BE Willful Protestants! Our minds looked like this!


Question 1: “What One Word of Jesus Christ does every Willful Protestant hate?”

Answer: “Every Willful Protestant hates This Word of Jesus from John 10:27!

‘My sheep hear My voice, says The Lord. I know them, and they follow Me.’


Question 2: “Why does every Willful Protestant ‘hate’ That Word of Jesus Christ?”

Answer: “That Word of Jesus forces them to recognize The Four Frightening Facts about the effect of confusion on minds, souls, and Judgment!

Fact 1. No Willful Protestant ‘hears’ This Word of Jesus! ‘And I say unto you, thou art Peter and on this rock I build My Church and the gates of hell shall not prevail against it. I give you the keys to The Kingdom of Heaven.’

Fact 2. No Willful Protestant respects Jesus enough to ‘follow’ That Word of Jesus Christ!

Fact 3. Willful Protestants are forced to admit that Jesus recognizes those who do ‘hear’ and ‘follow’ Him!

Fact 4. Willful Protestants are forced to admit that they live in continual refusal to ‘hear’ or ‘follow’ That Word of Jesus. They live in confusion on earth and awareness of what willful disobedience inflicts upon their immortal souls!

Those are the ‘Four Frightening Facts of Willful Protestantism.'”


Question 3: “Is every Willful Protestant able to understand why they hate That Word of Jesus Christ?”

Answer: “They do not want to Think Clearly about the most important thing on earth!”


Question 4: “What is ‘the most important thing on earth?’

Answer: “‘Hearing’ and ‘obeying’ Every Word of Jesus Christ! Then, our immortal soul will be judged fit to be among the only people in Heaven! ‘You are My friends if you obey My commands.’


Question 5: “How can Catholics share what a blessing it is to be Catholic and among those of whom Jesus said: ‘My sheep hear My voice, says The Lord. I know them, and they follow Me.’?”

Answer: “We must encourage our beloved and confused neighbors to Think Clearly about This Word of Jesus Christ! ‘My sheep hear My voice, says The Lord. I know them, and they follow Me.’


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Simple Reasons to be Catholic. catholicfundamentalism.com

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