Willfully choosing to disobey Jesus is the biggest mistake we may make.

We think of holy men and women in Monasteries and Convents. Some of them are blessed to spend their lives obeying Higher Rules.

Few of us have spent one day in perfect obedience. I have never spent fifteen minutes without being distracted from God by earthly concerns.

The less perfect we are, the more imperfect we must be!


Catholics are blessed! We do not obsess about our shortcomings. We know. At Judgement, we will be among “You are My friends if you obey My commands.”

How do we know that?

Our obedience has let us have His “life in” us. Jesus promised, 14 times: “If you do not eat My Body and drink My Blood you do not have life in you.”

~Look at His Words!~

Jesus did not say: “If you eat My Body and drink My Blood you have life in you.”

Jesus made it clear. To be forever among His obedient “friends”, we must decide to not disobey Him!

His disobedient enemies make a conscious refusal to do what is necessary to receive His Actual Body and Blood. His willfully disobedient enemies have willfully chosen to disobey Jesus.

It is not the actual disobedience that hurts our soul. It is the willful decision to disobey that brings eternal pain to so many.


God did Speak Creation into Being. The incredible complexity of Creation exists to give us free will. The farthest stars and the electrons in our minds are all there for one reason.

All there is exists to give us free will.


Jesus says: “If you do not eat My Body and drink My Blood you do not have life in you.” Catholics understand that He is saying:

“It is your choice. If you willfully choose to disobey Me, you are not among My obedient ‘friends’.”

If we freely and knowingly choose to not be among His obedient “friends”, we have chosen to be among His disobedient enemies.


Judgment is coming. Catholics pray:

“May all obey!”

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