This, in a nutshell, is the Culture of Death’s justification for abortion. “A woman’s right to choose (abortion).”, is the hallmark of the lost soul. It is based on the lie that the baby is a part of the woman.
Since an unborn baby can be removed from the woman without doing immediate damage to her body, it cannot be “part” of her, like her lungs or stomach. The lie could not be clearer, but those on the left are incapable of seeing that it is a lie. They have embraced the lie, and made it a part of their thinking, and their thinking cannot be wrong.
We may make analogies: “A person traveling in a car is not a part of the car.” “A woman hooked up to life support in an ambulance is separate from the ambulance, even if she’s on a nine month trip within it.”
We know that if a group of people concluded that “2+2+=5”, their thinking would be so distorted by the errors in that basic premise that they would be wrong at every arithmetical exercise they attempted. Just so, their belief that “a woman has a right to her own body”, when extended to include a baby that is clearly not part of her own body, distorts their view of almost everything.
Any who refuse to let themselves see that the baby is another entity are easily persuaded to adopt other irrational, erroneous beliefs, though few with results as deadly to the helpless.
There are two kinds of liberals. The “true liberal” does understand and recognize that each abortion kills a baby. They justify killing the child with the usual “higher purpose” argument that puts an individual’s or a group’s right to comfort/convenience/economy above that of the helpless baby. This sort of thinking doesn’t go over well with the “mostly” liberal. They still hide behind the lie that “It’s not really a baby.”
The “liberated” liberals say that murder by abortion is justifiable. The “less liberated” liberals still need to hide behind the “it’s not really a baby” facade. Both have put themselves into a position where they, themselves, cannot really object to being murdered by someone who claims to have a still-higher purpose.
To believe that unborn babies are not alive is to believe that life is death. This near-ultimate inconsistency destroys rational analysis of everything.
Liberals approach the issue of final judgment in two ways. The most common beliefs among them is to say one or more of the following: “There is no soul, there is no judge, so there can be no final judgment.” The “liberated liberals”, who understand that each abortion kills a human being, tend to say, “If there is a judgment, I will be judged favorably because I am consistent with my beliefs.” Among them, this position is thought to be “brave”.
Catholic Fundamentalism shows us that it is possible that God is the Unprogrammed Programmer, a Being with the ability to program particles, compile them into systems and beings with amazing speed, and program us free-will creatures to live in those programs. That may lead the more imaginative to understand that there is, at the very least, the possibility of final judgment of their own souls. From this, it is possible to move closer to God.