Women are not allowed to be priests for good reasons.

The Only Church Jesus Founded has decided that only men would be ordained. Further, ordained priests are required to take Vows of Celibacy and Obedience. Some Catholic priests are required to take a Vow of Poverty.

Women are not allowed to be priests for good reasons.

Jesus did not have any women disciples. He ordained only men to the priesthood. Catholics have little choice. “We follow The Founder of our Faith. He, the Living Son of God, did not ordain women. We follow His example, even when it is unpopular.”

There is another good reason that women should not be ordained as Catholic priests. When we think of the demonic forces that rule so many minds, we understand that a female priest would be the target for evil. They would become objects of evil fantasies. Sometimes, those evil thoughts would culminate in rape.

Rape may result in pregnancy. The promoters of evil would endlessly try to cause scandal, “Maybe she was asking for it.” And, what of the child? Priestly duties would be interrupted. There would be interests that must be served outside the Parish flock. The Church wants its shepherds to focus on their flocks, not on their own families.

Female clergypersons in other denominations and religions may or may not be targeted. But, a female Catholic priest, with the power to provide the Sacraments, would be. Women are not allowed to be priests for good reasons.

The Church should be commended for the broad perspective shown on this issue and for the Courage to stand against the popular positions of our decadent age.
