Wonderful Graph!

As we go through life, Imaginary Problems abound around us.  Like weeds, rumors, and mushrooms, they grow rapidly, and frighten many.  Women, it seems, are more prone to believe some of them than men.  Researchers have said that women are more likely than men to think that issues like Global Warming are serious problems, a conclusion that is given ample justification by almost any Oprah show.

But, both men and women are getting wiser about the issue.  This graph shows how many presentations Al Gore’s Climate Group has been giving and how many are planned:


As can be seen, interest in Global Warming is waning with gratifying rapidity.  It has, in fact, nearly disappeared outside the bailiwicks populated by large aggregations of pseudo-intellectuals.  Fewer people bright enough to pay for the tickets and get themselves to the presentations are doing so.  They may still believe, “a little”, but only because they can’t stand to suffer the embarrassment of admitting how horribly gullible and wrong they were to be sucked in by such an obvious scam.

That embarrassment, by the way, has burned many of them so badly that they can’t help but be a little less prone to be sucked into the next intellectual vacuum.  The only good that such frauds do is to encourage the once-fooled to be a little more discerning, at least for a time.

Those smart enough to realize that Global Warming was a scam from the beginning can’t spend too much time congratulating ourselves.  We were neither convincing or quick enough to overcome the huge, nearly unstoppable propaganda momentum that Global Warmers had generated with a mighty PR juggernaut that involved every professional liar on every continent along with every successful disseminator of lies.

Without the internet providing ongoing truth about the various lies and exaggerations, we would have been steamrollered by the tax addicts who used the fraud to justify enslaving the rest of us.  Now, of course, they are trying to shut down the internet “during times of emergencies”.  Those in The Culture of Death know freedom when they see it.  And, they’ll do everything they can to destroy it, along with everything that can be used in its aid.
