
Yesterday was Earth Day. Not uncoincidentally, it was also Lenin’s birthday. It’s a fitting time to look at the connection between the two.

It’s long been said that “All the Communists became environmentalists”. When we look at the Western countries, we can see that while the Communists failed to conquer militarily, they’ve done very well with an environmental infiltration that is destroying the once-free nations.

With fuel prices at record highs, businesses collapsing from the weight of environmental regulations, and people unable to build housing because various regulators have made construction all but impossible, the West is paralyzed.

At the same time, Western governments are collapsing beneath the weight of their bureaucratic, welfare, and immigration programs.

The solutions to shortages that impoverish the West are simple, but Communists/environmentalists make it impossible to solve any problems. Huge fields of oil throughout America, its coasts, and polar wastelands cannot be drilled. The fear of hurting polar bears has swollen out of all rational proportion. As their excuses and delays keep us from solving problems, difficulties multiply upon us. Nuclear energy, for similarly imaginary reasons, cannot be used, even though it’s energy is clean and practically free.

Everywhere in the West, those who hate and despoil their own neighbors stand upon the barriers to progress and shout “No! No! This cannot be!” We all grow ever poorer.

So, when we fill up our tanks, we can say “Happy Earth Day”, and marvel at the success of the latest Communist/environmental assault upon faith, freedom, and common sense.

As we ask God to help us, we can only hope that He has not turned His face away from us, so sickened by all our sins that none of us can expect anything but punishment. Like Attila the Hun, we may see our Communist/environmental oppressors as the “scourge of God”.
