YOUR “Jesus Receiver” is about to “Receive Something New!” #14.

Estatua de SAN ISIDORO DE SEVILLA (c. 560-636) en la escalinata de acceso a la Biblioteca Nacional de España (Madrid). Esculpida en piedra por José Alcoverro y Amorós (1835–1910) en 1892.

Question 1: “What ‘New Thing’ are the ‘Jesus Receivers’ of our Catholic Fundamentalism readers about to ‘receive’?

Question 1: “What ‘New Thing’ are the ‘Jesus Receivers’ of our Catholic Fundamentalism readers about to ‘receive’?

Answer: “They are about to ‘receive’ a Word of God from St. Isidore of Seville, one of Europe’s Three Great Catholic Intellectuals and Historians; St. Bede in England, France’s St. Gregory of Tours, and St. Isidore in Spain.
Those Holy Saints built The The Historical and Intellectual Foundations of Catholicism for Thousands of Tribes of Celts, Angles, Saxons, Germans, Goths, Visigoths, Franks and huundreds more who spread from Ireland to The Philippines in the following centuries. We billions of Catholics are genetically and intellectually descended from those Holy Fathers of The Church.”


Question 2: “How did find out what St. Isidore of Spain tell us about Today’s Reading?”

Answer: “One of our readers is a wonderful Catholic Deacon in Butler County, Pennsylvania. He heard a question from someone on this site about St. Isidore’s ‘lost book’, written before his death in 636 AD, when St. Isidore’s profound intellect focused on helping Jewish people in Spain have more respect for their Prophets.”

Question 3: “How did Jewish people get to Spain?”

Answer: “Emperor Claudius evicted thousands of Jewish families from Rome around 50 AD. He sent them to Spain for disturbing the City of Rome with with impassioned, violent arguments for and against “Chrestus” (Jesus Christ) Who Fulfilled Prophecies that many would fight to ignore.

Deacon D found a translation of St. Isidore’s Book written “To the Jewish People in Spain” in a Ukrainian Monastery, just as war was breaking out there, once again, over arguments about “Chrestus”! Four years later, he was able to graciously and blessedly finish the hard work of providing “The Only United States copy of That Book in English” /em> to The ‘Jesus Receivers’ of those who follow

What YOUR “Jesus Receiver” is about to “receive” are thoughts of The Most Brilliant Catholic in Spanish History connecting ‘the days of Lot’ (Luke 17:26-37) in Today’s Catholic Reading with YOUR ‘Jesus Receiver’!

Thanks to ‘Deacon D’, our Spanish-speaking readers are now able to ‘receive’ from St. Isidore, the greatest intellect in Spanish History, his brilliant understanding of Today’s Reading to every Catholic in the world!


Question 5: “What ‘Holy Connection‘ does St. Isidore give our ‘Jesus Receiver’ by sharing this Old Testament Description of God about what self-centered people are always doing unless they are blessed to Obey God’s Prophets:

‘Similarly, as it was in the days of Lot: they were eating, drinking, buying, selling, planting, building;until ‘on the day when Lot left Sodom, fire and brimstone rained from the sky to destroy them all.’

Answer: “St Isidore lets us “receive” understanding of that with The Next Verse: ‘So it will be on the day the Son of Man is revealed.’ by letting our ‘Jesus Receiver’. Catholic ‘Jesus Receivers’ let us take the fact into our mind that The Son of Man Who ordered the destruction of Sodom is Jesus Christ and that He is The Second Person of The Holy Trinity, Who was getting the world ready for His Coming in Fulfillment of The Prophecies!”


Question 6: “Was St. Isidore descended from the thousands of Jewish Families that Claudius sent to Spain almost 600 years earlier?”

Answer: “The Disciples who became The First Catholic Bishops founding Catholic parishes and Dioceses all over the world were descended from Jewish Families who took The Prophets respectfully enough to understand ‘The Son of a Virgin of The House of David’ was ‘born in Bethlehem’, was ‘nailed to a tree’, and ‘lifted up before men’ so that all wanted Him out of their lives could forever ‘look upon He Whom they pierced’ was, is, and forever will be, The Second Person of The Holy Trinity.”

