From Protestant Fundamentalist to Catholic Fundamentalism?

St. Peter and St. Paul followed Jesus. Their obedience inspires many to consider Catholic Fundamentalism. ~ Question 1: “Why would anyone go from being a Protestant Fundamentalist to ‘Catholic Fundamentalism’?” Answer: “Words of Jesus!” ~ Question 2: “What Words of Jesus would lead someone to ‘Catholic Fundamentalism’?” Answer: “Jesus Christ SPOKE One Church Into Being […]

Catholics know! Simple Arithmetic leads us to “The Holy Total”!

The medication is easily metabolized by the enzymes present in the sildenafil cipla liver. Those are more important female generic viagra and easier to diagnose. Headaches Headaches viagra online buy are most common side effects associated with some side effects, such as erectile dysfunction. Now, they don’t need to be worried because honestly, there is […]

Many Catholics “think their way” to obeying Jesus.

Catholics are blessed to think clearly! We look at the simple math that leads us to Be Catholic! Question 1. “Why should we ‘think our way’ to obeying Jesus?” Answer: “Jesus specifically told us: ‘You are My friends if you obey My commands.’ To be among His obedient ‘friends’, we must obey His Teachings.” ~ […]

3 concerns: The Trinity. Obedience. God’s possible “Handicap Score”.

Only Catholics are blessed to see The Father, The Son, and The Holy Spirit in this painting. ~ Question 1: “What is The Holy Trinity?” Answer: “That is the most intelligent question on earth! Catholic Teaching sums it up: ‘There are Three Persons in One God; The Father, The Son, and The Holy Spirit.’” ~ […]

The Bell Curve of Happiness.

In free countries, hard work and intelligence allow Happy People to get ahead. The Happiest people are toward the right side of the bell curve. The Unhappiest people are on the far left. UNHAPPY HAPPY Unhappy people are angry! “It is wrong that free, smart, hard-working people have more than me!” Those two groups form […]

Catholics know two facts about billionaires!

One of the dumbest things a person can do is want to be is a billionaire! Why? Billionaires are smart about three things: people, needs, and systems. They make money by using systems to satisfy people’s needs. They all think they’re doing something brilliant! ~ Catholics know two facts about billionaires! 1. All billionaires live […]

Protestants do not respect their own thinking abilities.

Protestants do not respect their own thinking abilities. Every Protestant knows The Old Testament contains Prophecies that predicted The Messiah! Jesus was born in The Prophesied Village. He was born of The Prophesied Family. He Was born at The Prophesied Time. Protestants are all smart enough to know that! ~ Protestants are also smart enough […]

No Protestant was able to see the omission in yesterday’s post!

Oh no! There was an omission in yesterday’s post! Not one Protestant was able to notice! It took Catholic Thinking to find it! The Post gave statistical evidence to show how The Catholic Church Fulfilled The Prophecies of The Old Testament. In brief: “Jesus was one of the 3 babies born in Bethlehem in any […]

Christmas is coming! Catholics make the smart bet!

Christmas is coming! Catholics make the smart bet! We think of Jesus’ Birth. A hundred million people lived in and around The Roman Empire. They had about 200,000 children a year. 100,000 were boys. About 300 people lived in the tiny town of Bethlehem. Three boys were born in Bethlehem each year. The odds of […]