Catholics see more than Isaiah saw.

Catholics see more than Isaiah saw.  God appeared to Isaiah in two forms.  Once, as a “puff of gentle wind”.  Another time, he saw God “enthroned” in splendor, surrounded by His Heavenly Court.

What do we see?  Rivers of photons streaming into our eyes.  We close our eyes.  Like a dam suddenly dropped into a river, the flow of photons into our eyes stops.

River of light are always waiting to flow into the opened eye.  When our eye is opened a tiny, tiny fraction of an inch, things are fuzzy.  As we open wider, forms take shape.  We see what reflects the light we see.  Try it!

Catholics understand that we do not actually see things.  Catholic understand that all we see is the light that bounces off of things and into our eye.  Photons, or whatever they are, hit the retina.  Then, the photons flow through a million bundled optic nerve fibers into our brain.

Catholics are blessed to see God in every Catholic Mass following The Last Supper.  Catholic priests are Ordained in Living Link with the First Catholic Bishops.   Jesus ordained them at The Last Supper with The Power to Preside over The Miracle of Transubstantiation.
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Bread and wine become The Body and Blood of Christ.  We are blessed to see Holy Photons flowing from The Host.  We are able to breathe in “Holy Molecules” from the billions that evaporate from The Consecrated Wine in The Chalice.   The blessed obey the Clear Call to Catholic Communion.  It is so important that Jesus repeated FOURTEEN TIMES:   “If you do not eat My Body and drink My Blood you do not have life in you.”

When a Catholic priest holds up The Consecrated Host, Catholics are blessed to see “Light from light”!

On all the earth, we receive “light from light” in only one place:  The Catholic Mass.

Catholics see more than Isaiah saw.  We do more than see.  We receive Him in both photonic AND molecular form.

In every age, those blinded by vanity recoil in horror from the greatest Truth there is.


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