Modern Protestants commit sins they cannot defend.

It  becomes increasingly astonishing that the vast Protestant Establishment is unable to recognize and eliminate the anti-Christian practices rife within it.  We are, in our day, watching denominations and schisms that once strove to be Christian abandoning tenets and doctrines as soon as those beliefs put their tithes and donations at risk.

The Protestant denominations have come to allow divorce, masturbation, birth control, fornication, and abortion.  They are no more “Christian” in many practices, and possibly less so, than a quilting club or an association of bird watchers.

Yesterday, four major issues were identified that showed how far Protestant groups had dropped from their once-higher standards:

1.  The Bible clearly condemns Onanism, spilling your seed on the ground.  Few, if any, of the 38,000 Protestant schisms have the courage to teach that it is a sin to use chemicals and devices to keep children from being conceived.  The Catholic Church still teaches that artificial birth control is a sin.

2. Christian teaching is clearly against abortion.  Most Protestant schisms have opinions on the subject that range from silence to acceptance.  Catholics consistently condemn the killing of unborn children.

3.  It is a fact that many birth control chemicals and devices work by destroying the tiniest of unborn babies, providing nearly invisible abortions.
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4.  The Protestant clergy are supposed to set a moral example.  In fact, many of them use birth control chemicals and devices that cause very early abortions, the destruction of their own, smallest children.

No Protestant has objected to the truth of any of the four points, above.  Watching the Protestant denominations is like seeing a very slow-motion film of the burning of the Hindenburg.  A huge bag of gas is self-destructing.

Denominations that were once reasonably faithful to at least some tenets of Christian teaching have sunk into the sins of Baal.  Modern Protestants no longer stand up for the Christian principles outlines above.  They gravitate to mindlessly simple, uncontroversial beliefs that will help to maintain their dwindling cash flows.  When challenged, they say “How very wrong it is to be critical.” and whine, plaintively, “Can’t we all just get along?”

Those who donate to modern Protestant organizations are keeping America’s Pro-Life people from uniting as Catholics and doing the hard work of establishing a group of voters powerful enough to elect legislators who will end abortion.

Modern Protestants commit sins they cannot defend.  Not one of their leading lights has commented on these pages, or anywhere else, to deny it.


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