In the Prism Allegory, Catholics are “Red”.



God’s light comes through our souls.  His light is manifested in our thoughts, words, and deeds.  Those whose souls pass on the light of God with the least deviation are those who obey Him most closely.  In the Prism Allegory, Catholics are “Red”.

Why?  Catholics do not deviate from the clear call to Catholic Communion that He repeated an incredible EIGHTEEN TIMES.  “If you do not eat My Body and drink My Blood you do not have life in you.”  Therefore, obedient Catholics have the least deviation.   His Body and Blood keep us from deviating.  In the Prism Allegory, Catholics are “Red”.

Those who believe some of what He Who Fulfilled The Prophecies instructed us deviate a little more.  Pro-Life Trinitarian Protestants are in the Orange section.

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Those more separated from understanding the Quadrillion to One odds that Jesus is NOT He Who Fulfilled The Prophecies have allowed vanity to pull them down.  In the Prism Allegory, we see those in the Green Deviations as Humanists.   Their beliefs focus on justifying the cash flows that support them.  They disguise greed by with concerns about the myriad of Imaginary Problems that include Global Freezing/Warming, coral reefs, wetland preservation, pollution of earth, water, air and overpopulation.   They are at the doorways of death.

A greater deviation colors the outlook of those who seek to solve human problems with political solutions.   They include Socialists, Moslems, and Communists.   In the violet area of the greatest deviation are those who do whatever they can to destroy love, truth, and life.




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