Three monkeys.

Three monkeys.

Hear No Evil, See No Evil, and Speak No Evil were sitting high up in a banana tree.

Hear No Evil: I heard that if monkeys have sex with too many monkeys, they will get sick and die, even though they are young.

See No Evil: I saw many dead monkeys that were young.

Speak No Evil: Those monkeys died because they ate bad bananas.

Hear No Evil: I heard that monkeys without mothers and fathers get wild, have to be thrown out of the group, and they die young.

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Hear No Evil: Those young monkeys had just chosen to express themselves in a healthy way.

Hear No Evil: I heard that if monkeys try to help other monkeys, some will say “don’t bother”.

See No Evil: I saw some monkeys getting food for a sick monkey. A mean, old monkey said, “Give that food to me.”

Speak No Evil: I said that.

After some thought, See No Evil and Hear No Evil moved to another tree.


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