17. “Why don’t Protestants compare ‘may’ with ‘will’?”

Jesus gave the only “keys to the Kingdom of Heaven” that He left on earth to people of ‘good will’.

Question 1. “What do Protestants believe?

Answer: “A billion Protestants agree: “We believe in Jesus, so we are going to Heaven!”


Question 2: “Where do Protestants get that idea?”

Answer: “They read John 3:13-17. ‘. . . . And just as Moses lifted up the serpent in the desert, so must the Son of Man be lifted up, so that everyone who believes in Him may have eternal life.’


Question 3: “Are Protestants confused? Do they read ‘may have eternal life’ and believe they ‘will have eternal life?”

Answer: “That is the mistake that every Protestant makes! They are believe that may have eternal life’ is the same as will have eternal life’.”


Question 4: “Who tells them that?”

Answer: “The Profiteers of Protestantism.”


Question 5: “Why do they tell their donors to believe that may have eternal life’ is the same as will have eternal life’?”

Answer: “That’s how they make a living.”


Question 6: “Is that why Protestants repeat: “I believe so I am saved!”?

Answer: “Yes. Confusing may have eternal life’ with will have eternal life’ is The Foundation of Protestantism.”


Question 7: “Will they have ‘eternal life’ in Heaven?”

Answer: “That is the question every Protestant faces! The Catholic Church gives this answer: ‘People of good will may be saved if they are not Catholic through no fault of their own.’


Question 8: “Will a person of good will’ try to do God’s Will’ by obeying Every Teaching of Jesus Christ?”

Answer: “A person cannot have good will’ while willfully and knowingly disobeying Any Teaching of He Who told us of God’s will!”


Question 9: “What ‘Teaching’ of Jesus Christ specifically tells ‘people of ‘good will’ to be Catholic?”

Answer: “Matthew 16: 18-20 is as clear as it needs to be for people with good will’. ‘And I say unto you thou art Peter and on this rock I build My Church and the gates of hell shall not prevail against it. I give you the keys to The Kingdom of Heaven.’


Question 10: “Does a person of good will’ try to do God’s Will’?”

Our Answer tells us if our ‘will’ is ‘good‘ enough to get those ‘keys’!

“Yes. ___”. “No.___”. “I do not want to think about that. ___”.

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Simple reasons to be Catholic. catholicfundamentalism.com

A free, enjoyable novel: http://catholicfundamentalism.com/wp-content/uploads/2017/12/Crats-REVISED.12-21-17.pdf
