Does Protestantism prevent proportion?

Many dislike The Catholic Church.   Their allegations lack both balance and substance.  Does Protestantism prevent proportion?

Many lower-end Protestants, particularly professionals, perennially pontificate “The Catholic Church is bad!”  They find reasons among the Talking Points within their 43,000 groups and denominations, each invented by a Protestant man with a Marketing Plan put forth as “Theology”.

The basis for some anti-Catholic accusations?  A forty year infiltration of saboteurs into The Only Church Jesus Founded began before 1950.   Former Communist-converted-t0-Catholic Bella Dodd testified, “The Communist Party infiltrated over 1,100 men into the Catholic Priesthood.”  That was easier than their infiltration of the FBI, CIA, and other security agencies.

Four or five hundred modern Judases among the 50-60,000 Catholic clergy began to corrupt wherever they could.  A few committed saboteurs in many dioceses opened the door to, and then kept hidden, all sorts of corruption.   Professional Protestants rarely connect the dots between Bella Dodd’s statement of fact and the sudden damage being done by a few hundred men supported by the the wealth and power of the Communist Party.

Ambitious prosecutors, contingent-fee trial lawyers, and plaintiffs made millions.  Many of the charges were real.   Some were trumped-up.   As the wave of prosecutions rolled through, Protestants profited.  “See!  The Church is corrupt!  You should join our denomination!”

Two great winnowings took place.   First, the actual molesters were largely eliminated, winnowed from The priesthood.

The other winnowing?  Those who let themselves be influenced by the media’s obedient magnification of the scandals left The Church.  They proudly announced their departure with bursts of self-righteousness that included the usual pious platitudes.  All boiled down to “I am too good for The Church.  The Church is not good enough for me.”

What a blessing to be rid of them!  “Whew!” breathed many in relief!  “What a miracle to be rid of so many pompous, know-it-all blowhards!”

Another consideration helps answer:   Does Protestantism prevent proportion?

Those with a sense of proportion perceive:  “A recent movie, ‘Spotlight’, shows the damage a few dozen infiltrators in Baltimore did over a forty year period.  Not one movie was made about the hundreds of thousands of unborn babies killed by abortionists in and around Baltimore in the same forty year period.”

Those blessed with perception and proportion also note correctly:  “Protestants have far greater problems with molesters in their own ranks.  The devil doesn’t care enough about Protestants preachers gone bad to bother making movies about them.  And, their 43,000 competing groups lack any organization with the power to provide a Protestant-wide purging of evil.”

Those blessed with the precious Gift of Discernment understand enough about sin to find themselves moving toward Catholicism.

