The Creation Program gives us free will

Babylonians like Babylon. “I’m happy, here.” they say, ignoring 3,500 unborn babies sacrificed daily on the Altars of Convenience.   “The universe is so big and old there is no reason to take God seriously.”  Many will not consider that The Creation Program gives us free will, and that’s why it was downloaded with such complexity.

Catholic Fundamentalism is simple. “God can program in three dimensions.  He programmed energies and particles, out of 3-D pixels, and compiled them into systems and beings.   The Creation Program was written and downloaded like a huge 3-D movie in which each of us writes and plays our own starring role. Why did He go to all that bother?  He wanted to separate those who would choose to believe in Him and follow His Operating Instructions from those who wouldn’t.”

The vast Creation Program/3-D Movie was written and downloaded by The Loving Programmer, in three dimensions, just as Genesis says it was. In the vast endeavor of bringing all of space and time into being, He programmed countless Programming Assistants, whom our Iron Age ancestors called “angels”.

Some of those angelic programs were corrupted by pride. They started working against The Programmer and The Program. Too bad for them and for those human programs who choose to follow their vain examples.  But, that’s how He wanted The Creation Program to operate.  The free will creatures will spend eternity as they chose to live on earth.

Jesus Christ, of course, is The Program.  He fulfilled the Prophecies.  He came to earth according to Plan.  He took perfect, obedient, human form.  He was painfully erased.  Then, He was miraculously restored, Love conquering all.

Between the Programmer and The Program is He Who connects them. The Holy Wireless Connector makes it possible for the Programmer and Program to be one. He is the living and eternal verb.

The Oneness of the Programmer, Program, and Holy Wireless Connector may be more easily understood by accompanying them with “Father, Son, and Holy Spirit”.

As things make more sense, we tend toward The Only Church He Founded.  There, we may obey the Bizarre Instruction, that He repeated half a dozen times in the passages leading up to John 6:66. “If you do not eat My Body and drink My Blood you do not have life in you.”

Best to realize two things, that The Creation Program gives us free will and that it’s best to choose to be Catholic.
