Many Protestants praise Precious Mediocrity

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Many Protestants praise Precious Mediocrity. “I’m average! Middle of the road! I’m no extremist!” They are even proud to call their most mediocre denominations “Mainline”. Extremists not allowed!

Things are different in The Only Church Jesus Founded. Catholics despise mediocrity! Our priests are celibate! Our Saints, extreme! We believe in a God so powerful He provides His believers with His Body and Blood at every Mass! Professional Protestants shudder when they hear a Catholic say “I sinned, but I received absolution after I confessed my sins to a priest!”

“NO!!!!” the Protestant mind screams in horror! “No man has the power to forgive sins! You cannot believe that! That’s a crime against the Precious Mediocrity that has taken political form in our Democracies!”

Democracies, no matter how corrupted by bribes and vote-buying, are the political manifestation of Precious Mediocrity. That is why democracy must always be defended as many Protestants praise Precious Mediocrity: “One man, one vote. All are equal! No one is better than another! No one is better than ME! It is impossible that forty or fifty thousand men in America could be good enough to have God give them the power to forgive sins! It cannot be! It is a crime against the State!”

The love of mediocrity keeps Protestants from believing that God has any actual power on earth. Jesus was very clear in Mt. 16: 18-20 and in John 20:23. He gave Catholic priests ordained in living link with The Apostles this awesome power: “Those whose sins you forgive on earth are forgiven in Heaven.”
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“No! No! A thousand times, no!”, cry outraged Protestants in protest. “God cannot be that powerful! He cannot ordain mere men with such authority! We are all equal. There is no man to whom God could, or would, give that much power!”

Catholics look at those who deny the Power of God, and we wonder: “Don’t they see that God has instituted only One Church, on all the earth, that has not changed a basic principle in 2,000 years? Don’t they see what a miracle He has provided?”

How can anyone fully realize that, and not be Catholic? Fear of breaking away from the average paralyzes many minds.

Those who resist being inspired by God and His Saints are so muddled in the middle that they lose sight of the extremes: They are as blind to the joys of Heaven as they are to the pains of hell.

We must ask God to let all be free from the chains of Precious Mediocrity.


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