The dumbest man in the world

Jesus founded One Church. Catholics conclude, “I have a better chance of Heaven in The Only Church He Founded!” Those who leave believe “I must be free to be me.” The dumbest man in the world said something like that a few years ago.

He was a prosperous professional. Concerns with money, prestige, politics, and pastimes consumed him. His wife divorced him. His grown children avoided him. When he took up with a younger woman, he could no longer receive Communion. He ignored the thousand years of guidance The Catholic Church had provided generations of his ancestors. The dumbest man in the world left The Church.

When anti-Catholic media endlessly publicized crimes alleged to have been committed by a thousand or so modern Judases who’d infiltrated The Church to bring scandal, what happened? The dumbest man in the world was elated!

His greatest joy was ranting about how wrong The Catholic Church had been. He didn’t care that the crimes had peaked decades ago and that nearly all the infiltrating evil-doers had been removed. He loved his rants! safe_image.php

His diatribes invariably included frequent mentions of how smart he was: “I knew there was something wrong. I just knew it! I could tell! But, even I didn’t know how bad it was!”, he would conclude, praising his own brilliance in every conversation.

Catholics explained. “Every age has Judases who try to destroy The Only Church Jesus Founded. It’s what they do.” The dumbest man in the world would not listen.

“You can talk all you want about how the Communist Party infiltrated 1,100 men into the Priesthood. You can tell me about Judas, bribed to betray Jesus and the Early Church. I don’t care! I hate The Church! I don’t want to hear anything good about it!”

Shortly before he died, someone pleaded: “You are only one Confession away from Absolution. Please, would you like to talk to a priest?”

The dumbest man in the world said “No! I hate The Church!”

Demons snickered. “We get a lot of souls this way!”
