Catholics, who wrote Shakespeare’s plays?

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It’s very important, especially for Catholics, to have an answer to “Catholics, who wrote Shakespeare’s plays?” Here’s what, and why, Catholics need to know!

Before Shakespeare, England was a Catholic country. Henry the Eighth and his looters appropriated Church lands and assets. Then, in the insanity of third-stage syphilis, he declared himself to be the Pope! After killing tens of thousands of English Catholics, he replaced The Church’s political power with his own.

Anti-Catholic diversions replaced Catholic Masses, prayers, and missions. No more traveling troupes produced Morality Plays to reinforce the importance of being good Catholics. The state cared about funding and power, not saving souls with The Body and Blood of Jesus.

Theaters, the equivalent of today’s broadcast media sprang up, as if by magic. In London, The Globe Theater showcased the new, non-Catholic literature. Three dozen plays and a gross of sonnets were cranked out at a rapid rate, attributed to Shakespeare. Broadcast centers blossomed in London and outlying cities. As today, those who produced and performed the new productions were favored by the government to the exact degree that they were anti-Catholic.

State-sponsored anti-Catholicism still rules the worlds of literature/theater/movies/media. Anti-Catholic screeds are no longer limited to primitive broadcast outlets like theaters. They fill the airwaves and the wide variety of communication devices by which those seeking political power make their wills known.

Catholics, who wrote Shakespeare’s plays? Edward DeVere, Francis Bacon, Christopher Marlowe, Ben Jonson, Sir Walter Raleigh?

Catholics answer with the realization that all popular literature is government propaganda. Similar to groups of like-minded programmers today, government groupies replaced the old, Catholic media with pro-state, anti-Catholic programming in order to separate minds and souls from The Body and Blood of Christ.

Plays and poems popularized by Protestant propagandists replaced Catholic prayers and piety with politically correct focus on earthly concerns about created entities rather than The Creator. Such distractions were written by people vying for a chance to curry favor with the earthly powers that ruled the land.

Some things never change. We are grateful to God for the opportunity He has given us to be tested, as we have been for five hundred years. Then “the dragon was unchained from the abyss”. Babylon has been back that long, giving us the answer to: “Catholics, who wrote Shakespeare’s plays?”
