Good Protestants seek truth.

the-nativity-gerburt-christi-franz-von-rohden-detail-featured-w740x493.jpg Jesus and Mary

Good Protestants seek truth. They realize: “The Catholic Church is the oldest Christian Church. Everyone interested in the History of Christianity should learn about The Catholic Church.”

Good Protestants seek truth. Other Protestants react to The Catholic Church by reciting the usual anti-Catholic complaints: “Catholic worship idols. Catholics worship the Pope. Catholics worship Mary. Catholics think they are saved by works. Catholics don’t Baptize properly. Catholics don’t receive Communion properly. Catholics go to Church on Sunday and sin all week. The Vatican is the richest organization on earth. Catholics ignore God and call their priests “Father”. Catholics are all going to hell. I believe in Jesus and The Bible!”

The longer the list, the more insecure the Protestant!

Many tell such preposterous Protestant lies as “The Catholic Church was invented by the Emperor Constantine and it killed a hundred million Christians.” And, “The true Christian Faith was preserved in tens of thousands of ‘home churches’ that spread throughout The Roman Empire.”

Why so many lies about The Catholic Church?

Many see the Catholic Church as a threat to income. “If they become Catholic, they stop giving me money!”, realize many among the low-end Pastor Bobs.

The real reason people lie about The Catholic Church? It has two powers that are truly awesome. Jesus ordained The Apostles with the power to forgive sin and preside over The Miracle of Transubstantiation, changing bread and wine into His Body and Blood.

Jesus ordained those first Bishops with the power to ordain others with similar power.

John 20:23 is clear: “Those whose sins you forgive on earth are forgiven in Heaven.” That forgiveness makes it possible to worthily receive His Body and Blood in Catholic Communion.

Why is that important? Jesus said and reinforced a dozen times in the 33 verses following John 6:33, “If you do not eat My Body and drink My Blood you do not have life in you.”

The devil and his followers devour souls. No good Protestant wants that to happen to anyone!
