Once in a while, readers find the free books and nearly 4,000 posts on catholicfundamentalism.com. Some ask, “Where did this new road to Rome come from? How did Catholic Fundamentalism begin?” Catholic Fundamentalism began with a camel going through the eye of a tiny needle.
Mk 10:25-27: “So Jesus again said to them in reply, “Children, how hard it is to enter the Kingdom of God! It is easier for a camel to pass through the eye of a needle than for one who is rich to enter the Kingdom of God.” They were exceedingly astonished and said among themselves, “Then who can be saved?” Jesus looked at them and said, “For men it is impossible, but not for God.”
Matthew 19:24 has the same teaching: “Yes, I tell you again, it is easier for a camel to pass through the eye of a needle than for a rich man to enter the Kingdom of Heaven”.
Forty years ago, a young businessman made a personal commitment to take Scripture literally. The camel passage prompted him to ask: “What’s the point of being in business if I can’t get to Heaven?”
After thinking about the problem, he felt a question, “How would you put a camel through the eye of a needle?” His answer, “Cremate the camel, grind the ashes finely, dilute them, and pump the fluid through a tiny hypodermic needle that would fit through the eye of a needle. It might take a month.”
“That wouldn’t be a camel going through the needle’s eye. Can you put a real camel through the eye of a real needle?” the question repeated.
“A needle a block long would have an eye large enough to allow a small camel to pass.”
“If you can’t sew a button on a shirt with the needle, it isn’t a real needle.”, the invisible questioner replied. The young man was stumped.
“Here’s what you do.”, came into his mind. “You remove an egg from a female camel, and fertilize it. Then, put the fertilized egg, floating in amniotic fluid, onto a microscope slide. While you are watching, you take a sterilized needle and pass its eye under the fertilized egg and lift the needle. The fertilized egg will go through the needle’s eye like a ping-pong ball going through a basketball hoop. Then, re-attach the fertilized egg back onto the womb of the mother camel.”
The young man understood and exclaimed, “When that camel is born, it will be a camel that has gone through the eye of a needle!”
In the following forty years, Catholic Fundamentalism took form. It has led to considering that one of God’s powers is His ability to program in something like 3-D pixels, with which He wrote and downloaded The Creation Program.
Catholic Fundamentalism the first new approach to The Only Church Jesus Founded since Pascal applied Probability Theory to becoming Catholic. We may share it with those who need to find a new road to Rome.
For many in the computer age, Catholic Fundamentalism is the only hope they have.