2. War on Jacob’s sons includes college loans.

Who are the “Sons of Jacob”? In the Americas, they are white, Hispanic, and blacks lighter than coal. They come from The Tribes, having migrated throughout Europe and the world. Jacob’s sons also include our beloved brothers saved by believing that Jesus fulfilled the Prophecies enough to be in His Church. Jacob has many, many sons of every race and nation.

One way those who hate the Tribes of Jacob manifest their hate is to keep us from having families Colleges and universities are weapons in their war against us.

If young men and women married and formed families after high school, there would be far more sons of Jacob. We would be following God’s instructions to “Be fruitful and multiply.” Instead, the opportunities for young men to make enough to support a wife and children are curtailed, often in the name of “Equality”. “Women must have equal rights to jobs.” means that they provide twice the number of applications for every position, thereby cutting salaries in half.

So, “Certification” was invented to force more children to waste money in college. Getting “certified” forces young people to attend colleges and universities where they can be separated from parents and the traditional morals that encouraged monogamy and family. That gets in the way of God’s desire for us to have and raise children.

The usual pseudo-intellectual excuses, “Overpopulation will destroy us, so it is out duty not to have children.” also discourage family formation, which is often delayed until some age at which people can be told by Babylonian media, “You really should not have children after 34 (or, some such imaginary age) because they may not be ‘quite right’.” say any number of life-haters about any number of ages in Babylonian media.

Along with these discouragements? Gullible students, and their parents, can be led to think it is possible to pay back student loans with the increased income college education is said to provide. The War on Sons of Jacob includes college loans. College students are forced them to carry debt loads that are impossible to repay. To help insure ongoing childlessness by the Sons of Jacob, those who hate us have made it nearly impossible to discharge such loans by declaring bankruptcy. War on Jacob’s sons includes college loans.

In colleges, traditional morals are intentionally undermined by drugs, sex, and mindless sports. They are made available to distract young people from having families and to keep them from noticing the hopeless levels of debt they’re incurring. Those foolish enough to believe in borrowing for needlessly high college expenses often end up so burdened with debt they may be single and living in their parents’ basements until they’re forty. Those in higher education are disgusting people too blinded by greed to see the lives they ruin.
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Thus are the Sons of Jacob viciously attacked, even as the sons of Ishmael invade and overload job markets with ever-more tax burdens that must be paid by Jacob’s sons. Jacob’s sons would not have had a billion abortions if Pro-Life people were Catholic.

How can we get into Heaven if, at death, we are part exterminating ourselves by abortion, debt and taxes? Who is allowing us to be destroyed? Public officials in democracies take bribes from wealthy Ishmaelite nations eager to get rid of people who make make trouble for them.

As Hitler said, “All wars are racial.” This includes the war that life-haters won’t admit we’re in. The war is nearly lost in Europe.

Once, God, and His Church, defended us. Now, He is so disgusted by abortion, and His Church is so splintered by schisms that He has turned His face. Self-inflicted casualties are all around. The only solution to abortion and invasion?

Pro-Life people must return to The Catholic Church. That begins by understanding: A billion abortions would not have taken place if all Pro-Life people were Catholic. How can we get into Heaven if, at death, we are part of the problem? Pray for understanding.


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