This concerns one Word! Who are “they”?

Catholics ask a very hard question! “Who is the “they” in Today’s Reading?

Luke, 11:24-33 includes three sentences:

1. “For you say that it is by Beelzebub that I drive out demons.”

2. “If I, then, drive out demons by Beelzebub, by whom do your own people drive them out?”

3. “Therefore they will be your judges.”

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Who are “they”? What are “they”?

There are three meanings.

1. “they” may be the demons of pride who keep people from following Teachings of He Who Fulfilled The Prophecies. They may be the “judges” of those they lead astray.

2. Or, “they” may be those given the power by demons to be earthly “judges”

3. Or, the “they” may be both!


Is Jesus holding The Bible that He had St. Jerome compile for all the world? ~ Question 1: “The Disciples were The First Catholic Bishops. How did The Catholic Church survive every evil that could be inflicted upon Her?” Answer: “Despite centuries of vicious persecution, The Church had spread from India to Ireland. Pope Damasus […]

The Psalms, Prophets, Jesus, and His obedient followers agree:  “Be Catholic!” ~ Question 1:  “What is The Most Important Thing we may ask God to do for us?” Answer:  “Today’s Reading includes two short verses from Psalm 119.  Verse 29 tells us to ask God to:   ‘Lead me from the way of deceit, favor me […]

Is this picture showing that Jesus is reading “The Book of Life” that I have written on the screen of His ‘celestial cell phone’? ~ Question 1: “What is Jesus Reading as He sits on His Throne of Judgment?” Answer: “He may be reading from one of a hundred billion of ‘Books of Life’ that […]