Who can solve The Mystery in this short post? Catholics!

Society is always changing. Hard-working nations and peoples invent new things. New inventions let some nations and peoples become wealthy.

Many inventions fail! But, some successful inventors do get rich. Their nation benefits from new ideas! When people and nations become wealthy, we know what happens! Envious people try to take their money.

That’s History!

~Introducing The Mystery!~

People who are angered by envy hate the smart, hard-working people who invent new things. They run into a fact! Their own Government has a Patent Office! It grants “Patents”. Patents give inventors the legal right to sell their inventions for money.

Many inventors lose their money! Many keep trying! When inventors work hard and succeed, they may sell their ideas. Some get rich!

Angry and envious people agree! “If I were smart enough to invent a good product, I would be rich! It is wrong that our government lets smart, hard-working people get more money than me!”


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Now, The Mystery!~

Why don’t mobs of angry people attack their governments’ patent offices?

~The Mystery is solved!~

Because some of the richest people don’t like smart, hard-working people, either. “They might think of something better than the products that our patents protect!”

That’s why the richest people encourage angry people to attack everyone who is smart enough to study and work hard. Most of them are too busy raising their families to notice the attacks!

Most of the richest people have sunk farther than just being greedy. They become gluttons! Gluttons agree! “We will praise the angry people. We will make them like us and hate our competition! And, we will not let them attack our patents!”


Catholics understand the cause of every misery. We know! Sins of pride, envy, greed, gluttony, anger, lust and sloth do damage to every people and nation.


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