Is it sad, or fun, to see the Self-Weeding Programs at work?

One of the most wonderful things about the Self-Weeding Programs written into The Creation Program is the joy we have when we discover how well they work.

For example:  We are all familiar with how the left has demonized hydro-power.  They revel in joy when they are able to tear down an electricity-producing dam.  Why?  They say it’s because “the ancient migratory patterns of fish have been restored.”

The fish didn’t know they even had ancient migratory patterns.  They don’t even know if they are migrating.  They would not notice if helicopters  netted them, carried them far upstream, and dropped them to lay their eggs beyond the dams.  Such a problem could be solved easily, but it must not be.

When we see the same people who worry so mightily about fish migration fail to have the same concerns about countless birds killed by flying into windmills that disrupt their “ancient migratory patterns”, we see the lying hypocrisy of those who have renounced God and His Commandments.

Every person who worries about the fish swimming and not about the birds flying is a willing part of a far bigger lie, part satan’s dying body.

There is a reason the lost souls worry about the dams disrupting migrating fish and not about the windmills destroying migrating birds.

Money.  Electric power is produced more cheaply by old hydro-power dams than by almost anything else.  Power produced by windmills is a hundred times more expensive.  So, there’s more money for those who steal from their neighbors by replacing water power with wind power.  Therefore, hydro-power must be destroyed.

Those too vain to ask forgiveness for participating in neighbor-hating scams, even the gullible, low IQ patsies who actually believe what their brighter superiors tell them, are going to hell.

The Self-Weeding sub-Programs work so well that those being weeded from The Garden don’t even know they’re moving themselves to the burn pile.  Pray for the poor simpletons caught up in lies.
