Differences between our spirit and our soul.

We are told that “the Word of God separates soul from spirit”.  We explore that with a concept:

Our spirit moves around in our mind, much as a feather blowing among shelves of books in library stacks.  It is aware of what’s been stored away in our little grey cells by being near them.  It can move to the good books or to the bad books.  When our spirit is drawing from what’s stored away, it compares and analyzes.  We call it “thinking”.

Our soul can decide what books in the stacks the spirit should be reading and what thoughts the spirit should be “thinking”.  If it catches our spirit reading bad books or thinking bad thoughts, it can say, “Get out of there!  Stop that!”

Our spirit feeds on electrical energy that’s generated by the various processes like ingestion and digestion that go on within us.  That’s all the reality with which many people want to be familiar.  That reality comes to an end when our body dies.

Our soul, however, is not powered by ingestion, digestion, and things of the earth.  It is independent of the measurable power sources, so it continues after death.  The soul is, therefore, stronger than the spirit.  That’s why the soul has the power to direct the soul.  What gives our soul the power to direct our soul?  Where does it come from?  The soul absorbs and reflects energy from more powerful energy sources.  The soul is stronger than the spirit.

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He, through His angelic programming assistants, has the ability to provide the soul with the necessary power to override the created entity that is our spirit.

The other side:  Corrupting errors.

Souls may choose to allow their spirits to access errors.  Corruption’s errors have power.  They are living energies that attract spirits into reading “bad books” in the library of the mind.  The living errors of corruption encourage people to think bad thoughts and believe that they are good.   Their ultimate goal is to destroy every soul they can.  Demons swarm out of the “wreck desk” to corrupt as many human programs as possible.


The Loving Programmer is more powerful than Corruption and its Errors.  We know that because few can build, but all can wreck.  The blessed among us want to be sure to keep asking Him for help, especially when we find ourselves giving into temptations and getting into troubles.  Our soul is free to choose belief and disbelief, obedience and disobedience.   The blessed find eternal joy.  The others do not.



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