Belief and obedience come at different ages.

One of the joys of this site has been putting Catholic Fundamentalism on Facebook.  Suddenly, thousands of readers appeared as individuals.  About 7,000 people have pushed “like” on Facebook.  Their individual identifications give insight as to who is reading about Catholic Fundamentalism.

This is, for the most conservative Catholic site on the internet, amazing:  Most who like Catholic Fundamentalism are, amazingly, under 25.  Half are minorities.

Many do not like Catholic Fundamentalism.  There is a common denominator among those hostile to this site.  Many insult God and those who believe in Him.  Everyone who insults God, The Church, Catholics, Christians, Fundamentalists, Jews, Moslems, etc. all say about the same thing.  Many use the same words in their insults.

There is an overlooked similarity.  Most critics of God and Church believe themselves to be remarkably intelligent, insightful, original, and very, very clever.  Many give the impression they are doing us a favor, enlightening us by repeatedly telling us how ignorant, superstitious, and out of touch with higher realities we are.

Some are young.  Some, middle-aged.  Surprisingly, there are many old atheists, blind to the Judgment that is headed their way.

What is the lesson to be learned?  God is infinitely patient.  If anyone looks through the Facebook comment sections, it is clear that the same objections to God and Church today were heard by St. Anselm and St. Augustine in the 300s.  The fact that God is not so bored with us pompous, self-righteous, pseudo-intellectual nitwits spewing mindless platitudes in every generation that He simply erases us is all the proof needed that He loves us greatly, deeply, and profoundly.

We, too spouted platitudes elevating ourselves and denigrating God in our youth.  He was patient with us.  So were our parents and grandparents.  We should be patient, as well.  As we point out the emptiness of avoiding belief and obedience, we must never forget to admit that we used to do the same thing, when we were young.

What’s amazing is that we see Facebook people in their 60s using this site to say the same things in defense of disbelief and disobedience that many of us used we were 12 or 14!  It’s one thing to disbelieve when we’re 13.  It’s a more serious matter at 63, with Judgment nearing.  What causes such arrested development?  Pride is what keeps most from believing, obeying, and being saved.

Pride is the enemy of that eternal joy which can only be found through belief and obedience.  Pride is a tribe of demons, and many minds have been overwhelmed by those in that Tribe.  When Angels battle for souls, the enemy is usually a demon from the tribe of pride.


