When The Loving Programmer wrote and downloaded The Creation Program, it was done so that the viruses could not corrupt it. The sun shines, the earth revolves and rotates, the moon follows its programmed path, plants grow, gravity pulls, and “God’s in His Heaven, all’s right with the world”.
We human programs, operating within the huge Creation Program, have been downloaded with free will. We have, within certain, programmed boundaries, some freedom to do as we please. Without special equipment, we are not free to fly or to swim long distances under water. There are physical constraints written within our programs.
Spiritually and intellectually, we have been given the freedom to worship what we want. We can love or hate whom we choose. We can work or loaf. We can be celibate or promiscuous. We can choose to do good or evil. We are even free to pretend that by doing evil, we are, somehow, doing good. Our freedom regarding faith and morals is, basically, boundless.
Viruses abound. Clouds of them are launched through the airwaves. They are stored on computer memories and discs. They also wait, hidden in printed material, to leap into our minds and sow the seeds of corruption when we allow them entry into our minds.
So, we learn to avoid the “near occasion of sin”. That protects the huge files in our brains from corruption.