Schizophrenia, Bi-Polar, Split Personalities

We can use our free will to have ourselves move in two directions. Each of us, at every moment, is either moving closer to, or farther from, God, The Loving Programmer. Each move brings us where we want to go at the time.

A happy human program is always moving toward The Loving Programmer.

Worldly institutions are not interested in finding happiness by growing closer to He Who wrote our individual programs and downloaded us within The Creation Program. The worldly tend to find other solutions to the lack of happiness that accompanies movements away from God.

Any number of mind-altering drugs are encouraged. Many are led into meditation, yoga, exercise, and other practices that attempt to fill the void in the mind that’s moved away from God. In extreme cases, shock therapy is recommended.

Media exists to encourage such movement. So, phrases like “Bi-Polar” have been made popular in describing the mind and directions of those who move to and from rational thought. “Bi-Polar” replaced “Schizoid” and “Split Personality” as those schools of thought were replaced with new names for disorders that were said to be “cured” with new chemicals and techniques. As drug companies became aware of the vast sums that could be generated by producing such chemicals, “bi-polar” came into popular use.

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The earth is “bi-polar”, one pole at the top, one at the bottom. Similarly, magnetic particles are “bi-polar”, with positive and negative poles. Pop Psychology (there is no other kind) embraces the seemingly incontradictable notion that people, like the very world around them and what comprises it, were, as all of creation, “bi-polar”. They were not interested in understanding the growth of the “bi-polar” reality as a vast marketing program put into effect by drug producers, therapists, counselors, and others whose incomes are based on providing happiness by separating souls from God and guilt.

Pop psychology, always looking for blamelessness, now calls those who make destructive decisions, “bi-polar”. That relieves the fallen human program from guilt, always a key component of pop psychology. “I can’t help it. I’m bi-polar.”, they may announce, with some pride.

The guilt, which stems from each human program’s internal programming rebelling against errors that it will not expunge, does not disappear because a label has been applied to it. Guilt over programming errors could, however, be hidden by prescribing drugs to disorient the mind so sufficiently that it could not see that all its problems came from disobeying The Operating Instructions that The Loving Programmer of every human program had provided.

The goal of pop psychology: Keep the human programs sane enough to go on working, while keeping them confused enough to keep giving money to the vast, guilt-removing empire.


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