England, Collapsing. Europe, About to Collapse. America, in Their Sights

We have seen a concerted, organized attempt by the sons of Ishmael to take over the richest nations on earth. It is going on with the bribed connivance, and fear, of public officials in the countries that are being invaded.

Catholic Fundamentalism Suggests a Remarkable Solution:

It has been suggested that devout Christians, a minority in most nations, should pray a prayer that most believe to be utterly ridiculous:

“Dear God, we are being invaded and destroyed by those who hate us. Their goal is to enslave and eliminate all who do not share their beliefs. Please, God, help us by doing this: Lift every Moslem a hundred feet in the air. Then, take them to Mecca, hundreds of millions of them. There, have every one of them in the world floating so as to form a huge dome of living people above their place of pilgrimage.

“Each of them, facing the center of their beliefs, will watch as You cause that huge, black rock to sink into the earth. Have it descend into Hell, put Mohammed on top of it, and have it return to the surface so that he is visible to every Moslem in the world, all of whom are floating above him in a great, living dome. As at Pentecost, have each of them able to hear and understand him as he tells them:

‘All of you, listen to me. Stop hating the rest of the world. Compare what you have done with what they have done. They have invented antibiotics, x-rays, productive farming techniques, airplanes, cars, plastics, electricity, televisions, computers, and everything else. You, who have followed my teachings, have been so busy hating that you have invented nothing. Neither you, nor your ancestors, have ever made the world a better place. Stop hating your neighbors, and begin to love them. If you do not, you will end up like me, suffering forever.’

Dear God, if you do this, many of them will be helped, and Your world will be a better place. Please, perform this great miracle soon.”

If God were to do this, which wouldn’t be any more difficult for His Programming Power than opening the Red Sea, stopping the River Jordan, or coordinating the moon’s orbit with earth and sun, it’s hard to imagine more than a handful of them changing their behavior for long. Even if He were to gently lower the cloud of Moslems to earth and provide them with manna for as long as they wanted, it’s doubtful that they would remember His Kindness any longer than did the unchosen among The Chosen.
