Finding Lies is Not the Same as Finding Truth

Most sites on the internet are on the left or right in varying degrees. Each group tries to find and expose lies that their opposition is telling. Web sites on the right have an easier time finding leftist lies, because they’re so painfully obvious. But, the right lies, too.

Serious Catholics rise to a level that lets them see that finding lies is not enough. No soul can be saved by denigrating another’s.

Lapsed Catholics in society are particularly adept at finding worldly lies. They have memories of how important truth is, even though they’ve chosen to avoid the highest truths that sustained the generations that preceded them, often for over a thousand years.

Many lapsed Catholics are, by their vestigial respect for truth, becoming sounder political conservatives. But, without The Church to provide true sustenance, moving part way to the right does them little permanent good.

Each of us Catholic Fundamentalists has a Job no One Else Can Do:

We have a duty to give ourselves an assignment: “As often as I can, I am going to tell lapsed Catholics that their parents and ancestors were right. I will let them know: ‘God can program particles and energies. He, and His angelic sub-programmers compiled those particles and energies into The Creation Program. The Church, and the Bible that She brought into being, seen in this light, make perfect sense. Every competing theory only exists to maintain cash flows to those who’ve chosen to believe that the things of this world are more important than loving and knowing God, The Loving Programmer. Understanding this may be the best, if not the last, chance you have to save your soul.'”

(I have found that lapsed Catholics often welcome such conversations. Their souls are more receptive than many, largely because their ancestors in Heaven are praying for them. Their guardian angels are, therefore, more energized than those without as many souls in the Heavenly Choir endlessly asking The Loving Programmer to give them the necessary Programming Assistance to save their own, and their childrens’, souls.)
