The Chameleon People

Global Freezing and Global Warming lies have been replaced by the Climate Change lies. Most who believe and repeat such transient lies, are, like chameleons, automatically adapting to their surroundings. If they hear enough people say “The world is getting colder.”, they adopt the protective coloration of believing in Global Freezing. When a chameleon personality hears enough times that “The world is getting warmer.”, he or she changes to blend in, often in the course of a single “news” broadcast.

In this process, they are no more aware of how intellectually weak they are does is a chameleon realize that it has changed from blue to green.

The brighter Chameleon People go through life making frequent moral, intellectual, and spiritual changes while embracing this usually unspoken truth: “I will believe in any new theory, scare, or problem that I hear about enough times. I don’t necessarily believe what I hear, but I’m really too lazy (busy) to learn, think, argue,or care about whether or not it’s true.”

The intellectual camouflage, by which the Chameleon People hide from truth by blending in with lies, denigrates truth’s importance. It’s fine for chameleons. For us human programs, it is a great spiritual weakness. It is frowned upon by The Loving Programmer, whose Operating Instructions for us human programs include: “Thou shalt not bear false witness.”

The Chameleon People have a tendency to be, in their thoughts, feelings, and morals, as cold-blooded as the lizards whose behavior they mimic. Our lives are better if we stay away from them.
