His Name

Scripture frequently reminds us of the need to use His Name. The word “Name” occurs frequently in relationship with God. It is, in a way, an “access code” by which we are able to communicate with Him. Using the old phrase, “In the Name of God . .” automatically raises our thoughts and the conversations that come from them to a higher level.

We are specifically told: “Thou Shalt Not Take His Name in Vain.” This tells us that He is separate from us and our overweening vanity.

When we think about God as The Loving Programmer, and we ask His angelic programming assistants at the Celestial Help Desk for aid, we realize that using His Name opens the lines of communication. His Name allows us access to wavelengths that cannot otherwise be opened for us.

The wavelengths through which information is transferred between us and the Powers above cannot be detected by us or our instruments. If that were possible, we would not be free to believe in Him. We’d look at the hands or dials or digital read-outs of a meter and be forced to conclude, “This proves that God is so real that we have no choice but to believe in Him.”

But, we do see the results of our prayers (requests for Programming Assistance) all around us. We see those results more clearly if we take the time count our blessings. If we counted all our blessings, we’d have time for little else, realizing that even a fleeting desire to count those blessings is a great blessing, provided by He Whose Name we invoke.
