Last Day of the Month

This has been a tough month for Moslem nations that have attempted to become more modern. In Turkey, the more modern and enlightened military has been made completely subordinate to the most fundamental sects in the nation. Well-orchestrated mobs of fundamentalists in Tunisia drove away their leader. He was not sad to leave. He took both his family and three thousand pounds of gold away with him.

Lebanon, once the most modern state in the Middle East, has been beaten down into another Moslem tyranny. Last week, Egyptians rioted. Mubarak’s cabinet was replaced. The streets still echo with demands for him to go away, preferably without taking a ton and a half of gold with him. One wonders how much he’s already shipped to safes havens. His wife and sons flew to England and safety last week. It’s reasonable to assume that the Mubarak family has lots more gold than their Tunisian counterparts.

The “Moslem Brotherhood” is being blamed for all this. The causes for disturbance go far deeper. Their countries, essentially held in thrall to Moslem ideals and customs generated in the early Iron Age, are unable to deal with the progress and increased efficiencies of an Electrified age. They have not come to grips with the fact that their recent employments, taking care of small herds, fields, shops, and restaurants have been replaced with factory farms and bigger, more efficient chains.

They’re angry about the world in which they find themselves living and to which they find their ideologies unable to adapt. Angry, unemployed Moslems gravitate into the cities, or emigrate to the Christian countries. There, some learn the necessary skills to make a living, but cherish their anger.

A paralyzing hatred accompanies them wherever they go. They are not taught to love, but to kill their neighbors. That, ultimately, is the only way they can get a job. Killing the prosperous and employed and taking their money and jobs will work just as well for those who will later do to them what they are now doing to their neighbors.

Not the best way to live.
