Looking Ahead

Dante gives a clear warning in The Purgatorio. “If, when leaving Purgatory, you look back, you won’t be allowed to leave.” One may not be clear if the soul who looks back, like Lot’s wife, is lost forever, but the lesson is clear. One should always look ahead, toward Heaven.

Most souls on earth are controlled by political systems. The Babylonians had them, as did the Pharaohs. Sparta and Athens had their own systems. Persians, Parthians, and Romans had theirs. So did the Celtic tribes, the Chinese, Japanese, Mayans, Aztecs, and Incas.

The visible parts of political systems can be compared to puppets. People who are less visible are pulling the strings.

Lots of people think that Masons, Jews, the Bilderbergs, Bankers, the Trilateral Commission, Skull & Bones, the Worldwide Bureaucracy, the CFR, Communists, Socialists, the U.N., and others are pulling the strings. Each identifiable group is, of course, pulling as many strings as they can. That’s what makes them a “group”.

We can’t get too involved with such things without being possessed by the idea that we can “fix” them. Such “fixing” is a vain exercise in futility. It’s better to focus on saving our soul, moving toward God and a joyful eternity in Heaven.

Turning back to earthly concerns from our coming exit is risky. If we think it’s more important to replace the current puppets’ string pullers with another group, we may be in danger of idol worship.
