The Church turned to Mary. So should each of us.

In the 1600s, revelations were given by Mary to Sister Mary of Agreda, a Spanish nun.   What was revealed was how much God loved Mary.  Always aware of Mary’s purity, more believers began to focus on Mary’s great power and authority.

Knowledge of Mary’s grace and greatness reached the point that Catholics concluded:  “In God’s judgment, Mary’s goodness was enough to make up for all the wickedness of Adam’s children.”

In the 1800s, The Church codified The Immaculate Conception of Mary.  Some thought it was “too much”.  It wasn’t.  It was a newer test of faith.  It was provided by The Church built at Christ’s command on, and extended by God’s grace through the ages, the Rock of Peter.  The Church turned to Mary.   So should each of us.

Those who respect, accept, and believe The Church’s doctrines about Mary have, to that degree, passed that test of faith.  We become closer to God.

Those who have a hard time respecting Mary’s position in Creation have but to ask her to provide them with better understanding.  As time went on, The Church turned to Mary.  So should each of us.   Her grace and power to intercede for us cannot be constrained.  Mary of Agreda helps us.


