Some people like slavery.

One dividing line between lost and saved souls is the attitude toward slavery.  Some people like slavery.  They are accursed.

In our time, slavery is not always obvious.  No more overseers with whips.  They have been replaced with tax collectors, property confiscations, and lots of jails.  Today, slavery tends to be part time.  It is that part of a year, and a lifetime, that we are forced to work to pay taxes.

Hiding slavery beneath a mask of “public service” copounds the sin of stealing one’s neighbors time with a lie.  As taxes increase, the lies to justify enslaving them grow ever more grotesque.  People thought to be decent, expecially by themselves, will tell lies to protect their swollen salaries, benefits, and pensions.  They have given into an awful sin.  What will He, Who commanded us to love our neighbors, do when they stand before Him?

Soon, the lies become so unbelievable that brute force is the only way to get money from people.  Collapses follow.  That doesn’t matter to those desperate to keep their neighbors in chains.  Some people  like slavery.  Some people like slavery so much that they’d rather die than work.

Now, the lies that justify slavery through taxation are worldwide, propping up increasingly useless people funding Imaginary Problems.  The lies are collapsing.  Nations are crumbling.  Still, they keep lying, the demons of vanity and sloth within them combining in the need to enslave their neighbors.

Eventually, a Napoleon will emerge.   Things will not necessarily get better.  And, if they do, slavery will re-emerge down the road.  Why?  In every age some people like slavery so much that they’d rather die than work.
