Fear and scarcity, the “Gullibility Scale” of the pseudo-intellectual.

Fear and scarcity, the “Gullibility Scale” of the pseudo-intellectual are always with us.  Fear and scarcity frequently appears with, “We’re afraid the world is running out of oil, so we have to have more public transportation (Union jobs with dues to subsidize a Party that has a hard time getting contgributions any other way) and tiny, unsafe, light-weight, expensive cars that we can subsidize to SAVE ENERGY.”

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New, horizontal drillling methods prove that we are not running out of energy.  Real scientists have known that for decades, but truth matters little to the left.  Big money and fat margins are generated by fear and scarcity, so an endless stream of shills lets us know that, “We’re running out of energy!”.  That’s an intellectual conclusion on a par with Chicken Little’s “The sky is falling!” from minds of similar analytical ability.

The Gullibility Scale  

Consumer choices often let us know where people stand on the “Gullibility Scale”.  Those who drive  Priuses, Volts, and autos of similarly dubious value identify those gullible enough to believe the alarmists.  Often, they’re nice people, just unfamiliar with facts.   The truly gullible pseudo-intellectuals will spend their own dollars to appear to be intelligent.  Those who manipulate them have trained themselves not to snicker.  Both the gullible and their manipulators will say, with a straight face, “We’re running out of energy.” when justifying every boondoggle from vast solar collectors to wind farms to their own giant battery packs on wheels.
While the gullible go on being gulled, the latest estimates are that the Siberian shale oil fields are fifty times greater than the recently publicized (does anyone think that real geologists haven’t known what was a mile or so underground for years?) Bakken reserves, which are greater than the Saudi’s.
There is one good thing about Priuses and Volts. When they had a bridge to sell, or an Imaginary Problem to plug, alarmists looking for contributions searched for people who drove Volvos.  Now, Priuses and Volts identify the gullible.  The difference?  Priuses and Volts are produced at far greater expense to taxpayers and battery disposers. Such is progress.
Real progress, of course, would be converting our cars to natural gas at little expense and filling them at home. But, no one on the left wants a simple, cheap solution to any problem.  Actually, in Cash for Clunkers, a million old cars that could have been modified to run on natural gas for a few thousand each were trashed, making it even harder for a million of America’s poorest workers to get to work.  Again, we see that the left hates anything that would help make people more prosperous by reducing their cost of living. They prefer to stick them with overpaid bus drivers and huge batteries to get rid of at high cost.
Like the Global Freezing/Warming scams, the Rising/Falling Sea Level horrors, the imaginary “gyre”, a continent-sized island of floating plastic recently reputed to be floating around in the middle of the Pacific, or the Land of Prester John, human ingenuity knows no bounds when contemplating imaginary solutions to often-imaginary problems. And, if money can be gotten from helpless taxpayers in the process, so much the better.


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